Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Character - II

From the foregoing testimonies we learn the following things respecting the character of God:

  1. That he was God before the world was created, and the same God that he was after it was created.
  2. That he is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abundant in goodness, and that he was so from everlasting and will be to everlasting.
  3. That he changes not, neither is there variableness with him, but that he is the same from everlasting to everlasting, being the same yesterday, today, and for ever; and that his course is one eternal round, without variation.
  4. That he is a God of truth and cannot lie.
  5. That he is no respecter of persons, but in every nation he that fears God and works righteousness is accepted of him.
  6. That he is love.

An acquaintance with these attributes in the divine character is essentially necessary in order that the faith of any rational being can center in him for life and salvation. For if he did not in the first instance believe him to be God, that is, the creator and upholder of all things, he could not center his faith in him for life and salvation, for fear there should be a greater than he who would thwart all his plans, and he, like the gods of the heathen, would be unable to fulfill his promises. But seeing he is God over all, from everlasting to everlasting, the creator and upholder of all things, no such fear can exist in the minds of those who put their trust in him, so that in this respect their faith can be without wavering.

But secondly: unless he was merciful and gracious, slow to anger, long-suffering, and full of goodness, such is the weakness of human nature and so great the frailties and imperfections of men that unless they believed that these excellencies existed in the divine character, the faith necessary to salvation could not exist. For doubt would take the place of faith, and those who know their weakness and liability to sin would be in constant doubt of salvation, if it were not for the idea which they have of the excellency of the character of God: that he is slow to anger, and long-suffering, and of a forgiving disposition, and does forgive iniquity, transgression, and sin. An idea of these facts does away doubt and makes faith exceedingly strong.

But it is equally as necessary that men should have the idea that he is a God who changes not in order to have faith in him as it is to have the idea that he is gracious and long-suffering. For without the idea of unchangeableness in the character of the Deity, doubt would take the place of faith. But with the idea that he changes not, faith lays hold upon the excellencies in his character with unshaken confidence, believing he is the same yesterday, today, and for ever, and that his course is one eternal round.

And again, the idea that he is a God of truth and cannot lie is equally as necessary to the exercise of faith in him as the idea of his unchangeableness. For without the idea that he was a God of truth and could not lie, the confidence necessary to be placed in his word in order to the exercise of faith in him could not exist. But having the idea that he is not man that he can lie, it gives power to the minds of men to exercise faith in him.

But it is also necessary that men should have an idea that he is no respecter of persons. [By this I mean that God does not favor one over another simply because he feels like it but instead God's blessings and favor are equally available to all based on the same requirements as required by any who do obtain them.] For with the idea of all the other excellencies in his character and this one wanting, men could not exercise faith in him; because if he were a respecter of persons, they could not tell what their privileges were, nor how far they were authorized to exercise faith in him, or whether they were authorized to do it at all; but all must be confusion. But no sooner are the minds of men made acquainted with the truth on this point — that he is no respecter of persons — than they see that they have authority by faith to lay hold on eternal life, the richest boon of Heaven, because God is no respecter of persons and that every man in every nation has an equal privilege.

And lastly, but not less important to the exercise of faith in God, is the idea that he is love, for with all the other excellencies in his character, without this one to influence them, they could not have such powerful dominion over the minds of men. But when the idea is planted in the mind that he is love, who cannot see the just ground that men of every nation, kindred, and tongue have to exercise faith in God so as to obtain eternal life?

From the above description of the character of the Deity which is given him in the revelations to men, there is a sure foundation for the exercise of faith in him among every people, nation, and kindred, from age to age, and from generation to generation.

Let us here observe that the foregoing is the character which is given of God in his revelations to the former day saints, and it is also the character which is given of him in his revelations to the saints of the present day, so that the saints of former days and those of the present day are both alike in this respect; the Saints of the present day having as good grounds to exercise faith in God as the former day saints had because the same character is given of him to both.
