Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Doctrine of Christ

In truth I tell you: Anyone who welcomes the spirit of conflict doesn't follow Me, but is following the accuser, who's the father of conflict. He incites people to angrily fight with each other. This isn't My doctrine, to incite angry fighting by people. But this is My doctrine, everything like that should end.

    Listen carefully to what I tell you: I will declare to you My doctrine. This is My doctrine, and it is the doctrine that the Father has given to Me: I testify of the Father, and the Father testifies of Me, and the Holy Ghost testifies of the Father and Me. I also testify the Father commands all people everywhere to repent and believe in Me. And anyone who believes in Me and is baptized will be saved, and they are who will inherit God's kingdom. But anyone who doesn't believe in Me and isn't baptized will be damned.

    In truth I tell you this is My doctrine, and I testify of it from the Father. Anyone who believes in Me also believes in the Father, and the Father will testify to them of Me, since He will visit them with fire and with the Holy Ghost. In this way the Father will testify of Me, and the Holy Ghost will testify to them of the Father and Me, because the Father and I and the Holy Ghost are united as one.

    In addition, I say to you: You must repent and become as a little child and be baptized in My name, or under no circumstances can you receive these things. And again, I say to you: You must repent and be baptized in My name and become as a little child, or under no circumstances can you inherit God's kingdom. In truth I tell you this is My doctrine.

    Whoever builds on this builds on My rock, and the gates of hell will not prevail against them. And who declare more or less than this and establish it as My doctrine advocate evil and are not built upon My rock, but are built on a sandy foundation, and the gates of hell stand open to receive them when the floods come and the wind pounds them. Therefore go to this people and declare to the farthest reaches of the earth the words that I have spoken.

I testify in the name of Jesus Christ that He lives and the above is His Doctrine. These words are true and I've been called to declare it to you.

Please take it seriously, study it out, go to God in faith believing and learn by the power of the holy ghost the truth of the matter.

    Cry peace. Proclaim my words. Invite those who will repent to be baptized and forgiven, and they shall obtain my spirit to guide them. The time is short and I come quickly, therefore open your mouths and warn others to flee the wrath which is to come as men in anger destroy one another. The wicked shall destroy the wicked, and I will hold the peacemakers in the palm of my hand and none can take them from me. …

    Jesus Christ 2017

If you love him, you will keep his commandments. Christ in our day invites you to repent and be baptized. To accept his doctrine and be baptized anew even if you were baptized before. To request baptism from someone Jesus Christ has asked to do perform such please go to bornofwater.org.

Turn to face Christ and walk towards him. Be a peacemaker. Do so by keeping Christ's commandments. Flee the wrath which is to come as men in anger destroy one another for time is short and Christ comes quickly. Amen

This concludes the first section of this blog. Next I will address what you need to know about God's character and attributes in order to have saving faith in Him.

Following that is the section where I share revelation given in our day.
